Thank you to Uncle Billy & Aunt Kim for their generous donations! Also, I want to wish Uncle Billy and my cousin Taylor, Happy Birthday!
Let me start out by saying that I wish I was wearing that random guy's coat from the previous post yesterday! It was cold! I had on spandex pants with a lined running pant over them, and 3 layers on top: including a bad ass Under Armor top, as well as, a hat, gator, and gloves. I cannot recommend these gloves enough! My hand are always freezing cold in the winter, and yesterday, running in below freezing weather, they were warm. I got them for $19.99 at Marathon Sports, and recommend them to anyone who's looking for a good running glove.
Yesterday's run was a 16.2 mile loop from FitCorp at One Beacon Street. We ran down Beacon Street, hung a left at Cleveland Circle, ran around the reservoir, ran past the Boston College dorms and took a right onto Walnut Street in Newton. The 8.1 mile marker was somewhere on Walnut Street and from there we hung a right onto Comm Ave to loop back to One Beacon. We got to run up Heartbreak Hill again, which was good practice. I just keep my head down and it's not too bad. Thank goodness there were a lot of Gatorade and water stops set up for us, because to demonstrate how cold it was, the water in my fuel belt froze and I couldn't drink from them for most of the run... As far as gel goes, I brought a Power Bar gel and another Clif gel, and while the Clif gel was awesome, I couldn't open the Power Bar gel. You're supposed to be able to rip the packets open with your teeth, but after several failed attempts I had to give up. Nick told me that he had the same problem with them, so they are officially off the list. I finished the run in 2:44, came home and slept for almost three hours!
Last night we went to our friend Brad's surprise birthday party that his girlfriend Jenny hosted for him. It was a fun time, but we left around 12 because my feet were tired and Nick was getting up early to go skiing today with my brother and another friend of ours. I was debating going with them, but I decided to sleep in and woke up at 11, which I haven't done in years, so I guess my body was trying to tell me something. Today's a rest day and Dwayne (my cat) and I are just hanging out.
Last night we went to our friend Brad's surprise birthday party that his girlfriend Jenny hosted for him. It was a fun time, but we left around 12 because my feet were tired and Nick was getting up early to go skiing today with my brother and another friend of ours. I was debating going with them, but I decided to sleep in and woke up at 11, which I haven't done in years, so I guess my body was trying to tell me something. Today's a rest day and Dwayne (my cat) and I are just hanging out.
You are amazing!!! I don't know how you do all that running. My daughter was wondering if you ran everyday or on certain days . Yesterday sounded like you just needed to regroup. Hope you enjoyed your Sunday and hope you and yours have a blessed day.
Do you feel like T.O. in that underarmor shirt?
You mean, angry and overrated?
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