Yesterday morning I ran a 14 mile run with the FitCorp crowd, and was powered by Linda's awesome shrimp scampi from Friday's dinner. I got really lucky with the weather-sunny and pretty warm for the middle of January. It only got really chilly about miles 6-10 while we were in the Chestnut Hill/Newton area. Basically the course took us from One Beacon Street (right near the Park Street T) down Beacon St to Cleveland Circle, and then hanging a left at CC, we ran around the Res and up to Centre Street in Newton- which was the 7 mile marker. (Originally I had thought we were going to run down Comm Ave.) The course was fast and since it was so early in the morning, we didn't hit too much sidewalk traffic.
A couple weeks ago, I bought several packets of GU to practice eating while on my longer runs. I had never had GU before and I bought 4 flavors thinking that I could find the least offensive and stick to that in the marathon. Yesterday, I debuted "Orange Burst" knowing that it would probably taste like cough syrup. At mile 7 I fished the GU out of my fuel belt (that's right, I rocked the fuel belt too) and couldn't open the packet because I couldn't move my hands that well because they were so cold. So, like the running animal I am, I ripped the packet open with my teeth. For those unfamiliar with GU, it's exactly like it sounds. A flavored blob that's the consistency of baby snot- thick and mucous-like, but not runny at all. I knew that I had to get used to eating this stuff, so with my water bottle in one hand I stuck the packet in my mouth and pushed the contents into my mouth while trying not to taste anything. It hit my stomach with a thud and for a minute I was scared I was going to throw it right back up. I chased it with water and got shouts of encouragement from people running opposite me: "Oh yeah! The GU! GU! GU! GU!" They must have recognized me as a first timer from the repulsed look on my face. I have to say though that it gave me the kick I needed, so hopefully next week's Lime flavor will go down better. Or, at least I'll know what to expect. In the end, I finished in 2:29 and felt good with the exception of my feet. Today I'm going to EMS to buy a new pair of spandex to replace the pair I tore in my fall.
1 comment:
Hey Brad, what's with all the messages you're leaving Alicia? Your're making look bad over here. Oh, hi babe...I was just leaving you a nice comment on your blog. Looks like you had a great run yesterday. Perhaps we can stop at Marathon Sports today after we go to EMS to find you an energy suppliment better tasting than GU. Well, keep up the good work and watch out for potholes.
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