Huge thank you to the Wachob family for their generous donation!
Last night I ran at the gym and then Nick and I went to our friends' house for dinner. Vince & Steven made us a wonderful 3 course meal and I learned that Albuquerque is not a flat city, but rather quite hilly. (Steven's from there.) I guess that's the "New England" in me- I know my little part of the country, and can only take wild stabs at what the rest of it is like. Also, much credit goes to Vince and Steven for politely listening to my gross chafe and foot injury stories!
Tonight my wonderful husband is taking me to Portugal with him on his business trip! I told him that I might sit in on some of the trainings, so maybe I'll have something interesting to say when I come back about Sarbanes-Oxley. The hotel has a gym (according to their site) so I hope to get in some good workouts while I'm there.
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