Friday, October 31, 2008
Oh, sheet
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Costumes of Halloween Past
In 9th grade, we hosted an exchange student from St. Petersburg, Russia who happened to arrive on October 30th. At that point, I was only in my 3rd year studying Russian, and my language skills were limited to introducing myself and explaining how my fictional Russian friend, Tatiana, and I purchased sweaters and books on our recent trip to GUM. Our exchange student, Ekaterina, had never trick or treated before and I did my best to explain the process to her as I handed her a mask and an empty pillow case. What I explained to her in Russian (her English was no better than my Russian) probably translated back into English as, "We get candy. We are walking to many houses and say please give me some candy and then say thank-you."
My junior year at Boston College, I wore a full suit Winnie-the-Pooh costume that I bought at the Disney Store. I purchased it then reasoning that it would come in handy when I had to walk my own children around the neighborhood on Halloween in the freezing cold. My roommates and I went to an off-campus party that year, and after several beers and jello shots in a packed house, I realized the Pooh costume was like wearing a fuzzy sauna. I passed out in the middle of the party to enthusiastic shouts of "Pooh's down!" (or so I'm told.)
I am driving to CT today in order to attend a baby shower early tomorrow afternoon with my mom, but hopefully I'll be back in time to help pass out some candy. My Pooh costume is in CT, and I'll break it out for the first time since college to answer the door, but will be extra careful to stay hydrated this time.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Looking for a Boston Marathon number?
If anyone is thinking about running and has any questions about the training or fundraising experience, please feel free to send me an email or leave me a comment.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Year old cake better than expected!
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Monday, October 27, 2008
I'll have a tall skinny Amoxicillin, no whip

Behold, the Vivanno
The smoothie had a unique taste to it; it definitely didn't taste like oranges, mangoes and/or bananas, but it was sweet and I became slightly nostalgic drinking it. About halfway through the drink, I realized what it tasted exactly like: amoxicillin! Amoxicillin is the pink bubblegum flavored medicine I used to take for ear infections, and it was delicious (for a medicine.) I'm not sure if drinking Vivannos will cure a bacterial infection, but they sure taste like they will.
"Whatever happened to my Transylvania twist?"
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Blogging in the Dark
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Friday, October 17, 2008
Publix Enemy No. 1?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Speed 3- Runaway 7
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*someone pointed out to me that I had been using "break" instead of "brake." So this post has been edited to use the correct spelling.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
They've Got a lot of Balls
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The New Courtesy Counts Campaign Missed Some Key Points...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
BAA Half Marathon- A Great Race!

Image from
Running through the Franklin Park Zoo was pretty awesome. I kept hoping to see some animals, but none were out and about. There was a fake crocodile (alligator?) that initially got some runners excited though. Compared to Boston's Run to Remember, this course was much hillier. To me this is a plus, because you're forced to concentrate on your strides and it's harder to lose focus. There were water stations every mile or so, and a GU station right before mile 8, I think. The race was extremely well run (no pun intended) and the t-shirt was long-sleeved; I'm definitely going to sign up again next year.
Nick and I finished at the exact same time (2:08:01), which was an improvement for both of us from the half marathon we ran in May. I improved by 56 seconds and Nick improved by 9:32! Amazing! We were both humbled; however, by our friend Brad who kicked butt by finishing in 1:56:53 (who also improved from May by 4:47!) Great job! I'll post some photos as soon as they're made available on Marathonfoto.
A Tight Squeeze
The lady stops and says, "So I went to Citysports to buy some running clothes."
"That's great! What did you buy?" the woman next to me said.
"Well, nothing yet..." She paused and asked, "I was wondering... How tight should the clothing be?"
"Uh, you know, just go with whatever feels good."
"Well," she continued, "I wasn't sure what size to get. I was going back and forth between a medium and..." (Now at this point I was certain the other choice had to be large) "or a small."
"Definitely medium," the woman next to me said; a little too quickly for the other lady's preference. Secretly I was delighted at the turn the conversation took and eagerly awaited the response.
The woman's lips drew to form a very thin line and she hummed a bit, before saying, "You know, I think I'll ask my trainer. You know, someone more qualified." She walked away and I looked at the lady next to me and we burst out laughing.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
BAA Half Marathon
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Friday, October 10, 2008
Connecticut Pride
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Which of these Statements is False?
1. On a dare, I once tried to drink a gallon of milk in 1 hour.
2. I made up a dance routine to Weird Al's "Fat."
3. Other girls play house or school. I used to make my friend play "Immigrant," which consisted of me talking in an Italian accent and her in a Polish one. We were just trying to make it in a new land.
4. I won a limbo contest at a middle school dance.
5. In elementary school, my friend, our younger brothers and I made up a musical about a mentally handicapped girl that wanted to show her classmates that it was OK to be different. It was on roller skates.
6. I had a guinea pig named Frabrizio for 2 weeks- until my mom returned him to the pet store while I was at school one day. I also had a hamster named Otto that my mom gave to a man collecting items for a tag sale when I was away for a weekend.
The Love that Blinds
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Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A Breathalyzer Test for Your Email
This is great, but a true test of Google's brillance would be if they could somehow check your hormornal balance (or lack thereof) prior to sending email.
Alexander McCall Smith's Online Serial!
I had the pleasure of meeting Alexander McCall Smith this past April. He's the author of the popular No. 1 Ladies Dectective Agency books, as well as several other wonderful series.
In a sea of street parking, beware the overtow!
P.S. Getting up to go to the gym this morning was particularly painful after another late, but awesome game. Go Sox!
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Monday, October 6, 2008
One Woman's Tasty Sandwich, Is Another Man's Brussels Sprouts
Is that weird? I don't think so... Someday, when I have my own sandwich shop, Alicia's Tasty Sandwiches, this will definitely be on the menu. The only ingredient I would add is black olives, which aren't an option where I bought my lunch.
My Good Deed Won't Go Unnoticed, because I'll Make Sure to Point it Out to You
She shattered the train's dead silence by announcing, "I'm getting off at the next stop!" Then she got up from her seat and valiantly gestured that the man should sit down. "You should sit here," she commanded.
"No thank you, I'm getting off at the next station too," he politely responded, although he was clearly not enjoying the attention as the rest of us were watching the scene unfold.
"You really should sit! I'll give you my seat!" And then the woman added (in case the man hadn't already realized), "Your foot is in a cast!" At this pronouncement, other passengers began shifting in their seat and craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the man's foot.
Mercifully, the trip to Downtown Crossing from South Station is quick. I would have forgiven the older man for whacking her with the cane on the way out; however, he left as quietly as he came, and the woman disappeared into the crowd; probably to find someone else in need to make herself feel better.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Until We Meet Again...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Remarkable Show of Self Restraint
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