Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thank You to!
I added a link list to my sidebar (under the widget), asking readers to check out the sites that support Team Eye and Ear. Thanks again, Redsarmy!
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Holiday Spirit Touches Some, and Misses Others
"Don't excuse me, you b*tch," she yelled. "F*ck you!" Her sentiments were punctuated with an equally eloquent gesture.
Tis the season!
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
That Thing Looks Like it was Made Out of Green Pipe Cleaners!
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Fore Crying Out Loud
You can even squeeze a friend under here too... which leads me to sing...
"Bus stop, wet day, she's there, I say Please Share my Umbrella" All together now! (That's got to be the best rainy day song to sing while waiting for the bus.)
Monday, November 24, 2008
We're Not in Kansas Anymore
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Friday, November 21, 2008
Wheel of Fortune
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Goofus & Gallant Meet a Fox
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Did You See that Catch Coco Made?!

Got to Twitter!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Maybe Jobu Can Take the Fear from a Football too

Just chilling, watching the game...
After Trent Edwards' 2nd interception in 3 passes, I sent Nick a text.8:51 PM "Uh Oh"
Then I sent him another one after Leodis McKelvin scored after running the ball 98 yards on a kickoff return. I wanted to make sure that he either a) hadn't fallen asleep, or b) gotten frustrated and turned off the game.
11:01 PM "Are u awake?"
11:02 PM "Yeah, what's up? Bills aren't looking so good."
11:03 PM "What r u talking about? That was a great return!"
11:06 PM "I missed it! Watching Rambo."
11:06 PM "What the freak?!" (Nick's dad, Joe, says that a lot.)
In the end, former game-winning hero, Rian Lindell blew a 47 yard field goal and the Bill's lost 27-29.
11:53 PM "Ugh. I'm so sad."
11:55 PM "Do you see now why my favorite player in the punter!"
I can actually see that now, because with the exception of Marshawn Lynch, Moorman had the best game performance. But like I mentioned earlier, if your punter is the best player, than you better start breaking out the lucky charms and offer Jobu a cigar.
Monday, November 17, 2008
A Knotworthy Flyer
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Saturday, November 15, 2008
"Take a cha-cha-cha-chance"
Looks like he's ready to celebrate already!
I was going to list 30 reasons why I love you, but that might be a little too mushy for the blog. I do love you, and I hope you have a wonderful day! (Your age is finally starting to catch up to all your grey hairs, ha ha.)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Seeing & Hearing Firsthand Where Our Money Goes
All of these success stories were made possible in part by generous donations to Mass Eye and Ear, and they were great motivation for me to increase my fundraising efforts for 2009! As Bostonians, we're so fortunate to have a world class medical facility like MEEI; please consider making a donation to my Boston Marathon Fundraising Team (Team Eye & Ear) by clicking on the widget to the right, or by clicking here.
To learn more about how your donation can make a difference, please visit this site.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Secret to Turning this Economy Around

Kill Your Television
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Monday, November 10, 2008
Overheard in PO Square
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A Nice Change of Pace
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Friday, November 7, 2008
Calling All Winos!
Please let me know if you have any questions at all. I really appreciate your help on this!! You guys are helping me get through school :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Scents and the City
I've written before how Abercrombie & Fitch reeks like cheap cologne. Harry prides himself on his refined and heightened sense of smell, but if the entire store smells like a Guido on the prowl at an 18+ dance club, then I don't think that qualifies as superior scenting. And certainly not sensual.
The article also touches on how Boston, in general, just doesn't smell all that great. Being a city, that's expected; however, this also reminded me of a spot I pass on Tuesday and Thursday mornings on my way to the gym. I walk by the corner of Arch & Franklin half-asleep around 6:15, and am jolted awake by the stench of urine. I can't imagine what Finagle a Bagel did to provoke such wrath, but that is one pissed off customer.
This Month's Featured Reader: Vince!

Vince was married a few weeks ago, & this photo is from his honeymoon in Santiago, Chile! Ole!
Vince and I both graduated Boston College in 2001; however, we didn't become friends until Nick and I started dating. (Vince and Nick were roommates after college.) Vince is a great guy for many reasons; one being that he shares a love of puns and corny jokes with me. Vince is a great cook and is fun to go out to dinner with, because his knowledge of cuisine is impressive. I admire Vince because he does everything with purpose and meaning; he's one of the most thoughtful people I know. Here is Vince in his own words! (My questions are in bold.)
1) By day I am an Compensation Analyst, by night I am an amateur chef!
2) I can't live without my iPod and cheap Mexican take out.
3) Best meal I've ever had is the epic tasting menu at Salts restaurant in Cambridge. That meal involved 1 Amuse Bouche (white gazpacho), 2 Appetizers (heirloom tomato salad and seared monkfish), 1 Palate Cleanser (grapefruit sorbet), 2 Entrees (chicken ballotine and a duo of pork confit and pork filet) and 3 Desserts (churros with a peach dipping sauce, a chocolate truffled dessert, and a nasturtion sorbet). It was absolute heaven and nothing has compared to that experience yet!
Worst meal I've ever had is in college, when my attempts to create a succulent piece of steak resulted in a dorm full of smoke and steak so burnt and so hard that you could've used it to hammer nails in.
4) Quirky Fact 1: I can stuff my fist in my mouth
Quirky Fact 2: I have no middle name
Quirky Fact 3: Despite my Chinese background, I don't like ginger.
5) Write a haiku that describes what you did yesterday:
Ate at Dumpling House
Had Pork Buns and Sauteed Eel
Nauseous all night long
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Less than 12 Hours Later, Change is Already Here
Today, as I breathlessly boarded the bus, while fumbling for my pass, the driver smiled brightly and said, "Good morning!" Completely caught off guard by her greeting, I said, "uh, hell0..?"
"Thank you!" she said smiling again, when I pressed my card to the reader and found a seat. Last night, most of the nation collectively sighed in relief and is ready for change. Based on my experience this morning, people are happier already!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Weekend Wrap Up
I may wear this to the BC/ND game on Sat night. This is the warmest suit ever.
Saturday morning, my mom and I drove to Bethlehem, CT to attend a baby shower. Bethlehem's post office is particularly busy around the holidays; a lot of Connecticut residents like to send their Christmas cards from there so they'll be postmarked from Bethlehem. I doubted whether someone would notice that, but my dad said that the few times he sent his cards from there, that his clients would tell him how they thought it was a nice touch.
Sunday morning, after I got home, Nick and I went to Costco to stock up on chicken breasts and paper towels (and unexpectedly, chicken meatballs after receiving a free sample.) Sunday around 11 am is probably the worst time to go to Costco, because the sample booths are in full swing. The popcorn chicken sample table was particularly swamped, and I felt bad for the older woman in charge of cooking the chicken and placing a few pieces in the small paper cups. As soon as the chicken hit the cup, greedy hands would grab as many samples as they could. I was frightened for the sample lady, but she seemed unphased.
This was not a good weekend for football, as BC, Buffalo and New England all lost. This weekend the Pats (my team) and the Bills (Nick's team) will go head-to-head; we only have one television, so that should be interesting. I'll hate to see Nick so upset after the Pats kick butt! (Hopefully.)